Thursday, April 16, 2009

An open letter to Congressman Pete Hoekstra

Mr. Hoekstra,

I commend you for calling DHS Secretary Napolitano on her department's obviously politically biased report about right wing "extremists".

At a time when we see so little action or leadership from Republicans in Washington, it is refreshing to see you standing up for veterans and conservatives.

Can we take the next step, and start proceedings to remove Ms Napolitano, and replace her with someone who is qualified and ready to do the job?

It is obvious that she is not a good fit for the job of Secretary of Homeland Security if she is going to conduct partisan witch-hunts that categorize conservatives as threats based on their beliefs or their status as veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces - yet recognizes that it is extreme actions and threats, not ideas that are a danger when speaking of the left. This kind of blatant partisan double standard is not acceptable from a public employee. Why should only liberals have their ideas protected by the First Amendment? Do conservatives have no civil rights in Obamerica?

Also, if Ms Napolitano thinks that people are terrorists if they are opposed to illegal immigration, she needs to be tested for drug use, because she is out of touch with reality. The Department of Homeland Security should be actively seeking to secure the borders so that illegal immigrants (and the dugs, diseases, weapons, and other contraband that they often bring with them) can not enter our nation.

Thanks for doing your job. I wish I had a Congressman like you in my own district.

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