Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Fast and Furious" an assault on liberty and common sense

A comparison of "Gun Walking" programs during the Bush and Obama administrations.

The program under Bush was small, and relied on the Mexican authorities to cooperate, since the arrests of the "big fish" would have to take place in Mexico. The program was designed to track guns purchased in America to criminal gangs in Mexico, and lead to arrests of gang leaders. The program didn't work, because the (often corrupt) Mexican authorities failed to do their part.

Under Obama, the failed program was repeated, but expanded to include many more guns, and the Mexican authorities were not involved - so there was no way that the "big fish" could ever have been found and arrested. The Obama/Holder plan had no possible benefit, since there was no plan to actually arrest anyone, with or without the help of the Mexican authorities. Since the program had no possibility of leading to arrests of criminals (unless we were planning to invade Mexico in pursuit of criminals, as we did when pursuing Pancho Villa), it is logical to look for other reasons that it was conducted, and only one possibility remains. Based on the facts of the program and the statements made by Obama, Holder, and the ATF, the "Fast and Furious" program was designed solely as a propaganda campaign against American gun owners, and had no legitimate law enforcement aspirations. Once again, the ATF "leadership" allowed their agency to be used to advance a partisan political agenda and endanger American citizens, rather than to enforce laws and protect the public. The administration and ATF clearly lied to cover up their part in this criminal conspiracy against the civil rights of Americans, that resulted in the deaths of American and Mexican citizens, to include at least one American peace officer.

This means that the program under the Bush administration was a failure, due to problems coordinating with Mexican law enforcement. Why would anyone want to repeat and expand a failed program? Why would you repeat and expand that failed program, and leave out the Mexicans entirely - thus making it impossible to have any arrests at all?

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