Monday, December 19, 2011

Three more ways to save America

Many of you are already familiar with my idea for a flat tax on all income with a generous standard deduction, and no other deductions, credits, or loopholes.

Here are the next three pieces of my plan to save America.

1) Cap on the number of laws. Set a cap on the number of laws. This cap would be significantly lower than the number of existing laws. Until we get below that cap, for every new law that is created by legislators (federal or state), three outdated or ineffective laws will need to be repealed. Once we are below that cap, the requirement would be one law repealed for each new law enacted. Bills would have to specify the laws that they would repeal to "make room" for the new law.

2) All laws will apply to legislators and their staffs, as well as the American people. Laws about insider trading, OSHA, employment, etc. would apply to all elected officials and their staffs.

3) Public service pay cap. No public employee would be allowed to make a salary of more than $100k per year in government pay. If they also receive non-government income that brings their total over $100k, they would be required to donate the excess to a non-religious, non-political charity sharing fund to be distributed equitably amongst qualifying charitable organizations. No public employee would be allowed to get a pension or retirement in excess of $50k per year in government funds - even if their salary exceeded $100k per year due to overtime, bonuses, allowances, or other special pay (total compensation not to exceed $200k per year). All government employees and employees of companies with government contracts of over $100k would have all of their pay and compensation listed in a publicly accessible database. This law would apply to current government employees and retirees/pensioners. These amounts would be open to a 5% increase every four years, if there is a budget surplus and the request is approved by a two thirds vote of congress.

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