Saturday, January 5, 2013

Guns and Abortion - Political Parallels

The issues of gun control and abortion demand to be viewed side by side. Such a comparison dramatically shows the hypocrisy that exists. While most liberals will support the policy of abortion on demand, any type, for anyone, at any time, for any reason, without any screening, no waiting periods, no background checks, no notifications - with absolutely no restrictions, most (not all, but most) do not even come close to taking a similar stance regarding gun ownership. Gun rights advocates do not even take such an extreme position on gun rights. Most are okay with restrictions on some types of arms (i.e. sawed off shotguns, machine guns, anti-tank missiles, surface to air missiles, nuclear weapons, grenades, bombs, actual assault rifles, etc.). Most are also okay with restrictions on some types of people (minors, mentally unfit, felons, etc.), Many gun owners are willing to accept reasonable delays (in our modern world, "instant check" taking a minute or two is the established standard in most places, for most uses - but an occasional delay of a few days because the system is down would be acceptable to most gun rights supporters). Gun rights supporters don't think people should be able to purchase guns with the expressed intention of murdering people or committing crimes. Gun rights supporters are in favor of effective screening (that "instant check" that gun rights supporters got passed in Congress, for example) to keep minors, the mentally unstable, and felons from gaining arms. Gun rights supporters do agree with abortion rights supporters that "waiting periods" that are often proposed in order to supposedly "give people time to cool off and not make decisions in the heat of the moment" are actually more about making it costly and inconvenient to exercise your rights, and thus serve as an effective deterrent to doing so. Gun rights activists support reasonable background checks for gun purchasing. Many (but not all) gun rights activists are okay with notifying the authorities when firearms change hands (registration). Most gun rights advocates willingly accept reasonable restrictions on what types of arms they can own, and who can own them (as described previously). On the other side, any conservative that suggest that other alternatives to abortion may be a better choice, or suggest that women be educated about options other than abortion, or that minors have to have parental consent, or that husbands have the right to take part in the decision, or that women be shown what their fetus/baby looks like before terminating it, or other wise seeks to allow women to make an INFORMED CHOICE is branded as "anti-abortion". Many (possibly even most, but certainly not all) of these conservatives actually are pro-choice - but they seek some common sense and reasonable policies to prevent pregnant women from making choices they may later regret. These same conservatives generally fall into line with the beliefs of gun rights supporters, as described above. In a political climate where "Choose Life" is classified as an "anti-abortion"/"Anti-Choice" statement, then anyone who advocates choosing not to be armed - even if they don;t advocate disarming others - could equally well be classified as "Anti_Gun"/"Anti-2nd Amendment""Anti-Freedom"/"Anti-Choice", etc.

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