Saturday, January 5, 2013

NY Journal News prints names and addresses of registered gun owners.

Recently, a so called newspaper decided to publish the names and addresses of registered gun owners. They did this without any regard to the consequences of their actions - telling criminals that certain houses contain firearms to steal creates a public safety hazard (even worse if some of the addresses printed are from gun owners who have moved and been replaced by unarmed families - so they are placing families in danger who don't even own a gun), as does printing the names and addresses of registered gun owners who also happen to be prison guards (and yes, inmates have already been using this information to threaten guards and their families). This is repugnant, and legitimate news agencies should refuse to do business with anyone associated with this hack rag. 1) This is the equivalent of publishing the names and addresses of every woman who has gotten an abortion. Or publishing the names and addresses of every voter who cast a ballot for a certain candidate. Or the names and addresses of every Muslim or Buddhist in the area. 2) There was no "compelling public interest" to print the names of all the gun owners. If one of the gun owners was a suspect in a high interest crime that involved guns, or was a leading advocate of gun banning, there would be a compelling public interest in publicizing the gun ownership of that particular individual, but there is no valid news value in releasing all of the names and addresses. 3) Since I'm sure that these people were compelled to register their firearms, and then the government irresponsibly released their personal information, which they most likely believed they enjoyed a reasonable expectation of privacy for, and then the hack rag chose to irresponsibly publish that information, the gun owners should be able to sue the state and the liberal hack rag for violation of their civil rights. 4) When individuals show that they are not able to responsibly handle their rights, it is routine for those rights to be taken away (i.e. if you are an irresponsible gun owner, you will lose your right to keep and bear arms). In this case, the editors, reporters, and publishers showed themselves to be incapable of responsibly exercising their first Amendment rights, and so should obviously lose them - just as someone who irresponsibly shoots a bunch of people will lose their 2nd Amendment rights. I think we can all agree that this might give the government too much power - so it is up to the 4th estate to police itself - and is why I call for all responsible media outlets to blacklist all people associated with this irresponsible hack rag and any other media outlet that supports their vile and disgusting works.

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